
Backend and Frontend: What they are?

With the growing technological advancements, the presence of digital systems and applications is part of the daily life of a large part of the world’s population. To ensure the efficiency and usability of these products, there needs to be a clear division of tasks between the different parts that make up a system. In this sense, the terms frontend and backend emerge, which are distinct areas of software development, but work together to provide a complete and satisfactory user experience. In this article, we will go deeper into these areas and understand how they interact.

What are they and what distinguishes them?

Software development is a complex activity that involves different parts and functions to ensure the complete operation of a system or application. In this context, the terms frontend and backend are widely used to describe the different areas of an application. The frontend is responsible for the user interface, while the backend takes care of data processing and necessary operations. It is crucial for developers to work together to ensure a smooth and efficient communication between the two parts in order to provide a good user experience. An interesting analogy to explain the difference between frontend and backend is to think of a restaurant, where the frontend is the customer area and the backend is the kitchen. Although they work in different areas, both are equally important for the complete operation of the system. Understanding these two areas is essential for anyone who wants to become a competent software developer and understand how an application is built and operates.

In summary, the frontend is the visible part of the application, while the backend is the part that works behind the scenes, processing information and providing functionalities.

Are there situations in which these technologies are used separately?

There are situations where the backend and frontend are used separately. For example, it is common for companies to have specialized teams in frontend or backend development, and these teams may work on different projects. It can also occur in other situations, such as:

  1. Maintenance of an old application
  2. Development of a native application
  3. Development of a web application
  4. Outsourcing of development
  5. Reuse of components

1.Maintenance of an old application

If you are working on an old application, it may be necessary to make some updates to the backend without touching the frontend. This can happen when the application needs to be adapted to a new technology or when a security update occurs on the server.

2.Development of a native application

If you are developing a native application for a mobile device, such as an iOS or Android app, it is possible that the frontend is developed using platform-specific technologies, such as Objective-C for iOS or Java for Android, while the backend is developed using more generic web technologies.

3.Development of a web application

If you are developing a web application, the frontend and backend can be developed separately to facilitate scalability. This allows you to update or replace a component without affecting the other.

4.Outsourcing of development

In some cases, a company may outsource the development of the frontend or backend to an external company specialized in a particular technology or platform. This can be done to save time and resources, allowing the company to focus on other areas of business.

5.Reuse of components

If you have frontend or backend components that can be reused in other projects, it may be more efficient to develop them separately so that they can be integrated into different applications.


In conclusion, by working together, frontend and backend developers can ensure that user interactions with the application are smooth and efficient, making the user experience satisfying and improving customer loyalty.