
HTLM, CSS and Javascript: What they are?

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the main programming languages for creating web pages. These three languages work together to create an attractive and intuitive user experience on the web. In this article, we will explore the basic concepts of these languages and the differences between them.

What are they and what sets them apart?


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the fundamental language of the web. It is used to create and structure the content of a web page, providing the foundation upon which the content is presented. HTML allows developers to create elements such as headings, paragraphs, images, links, and forms, and organize them into a logical hierarchy to ensure that the page is clear and easy to understand. It is from HTML that the web browser interprets the content of the page and presents it visually to users.


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style language used to define the visual appearance and layout of a web page. With CSS, developers can customize the font, color, size, position, and other visual aspects of HTML elements on a web page. This means that the structure of the content on a web page can be separated from its appearance, allowing for changes in appearance to be made more easily and quickly.


JavaScript is a scripting programming language used to add interactivity and dynamism to websites and web applications. It allows developers to create advanced functionalities such as animations, interactive menus, games, form validation, and visual effects, among other things. JavaScript is executed on the client-side, meaning that it is processed by the user’s browser and not by the web server. This allows web pages to be updated dynamically and respond to user actions without needing to reload the entire page.

Are there situations where these technologies are used separately?

In general, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are used together as each of these technologies plays a fundamental role in the process of creating web pages. However, there are some situations in which these technologies can be used separately, such as:

Static pages

In some situations, it’s possible to create simple web pages using only HTML, without the need for CSS or JavaScript. These pages usually don’t have much interactivity or complex design, but can be useful for presenting basic information in a straightforward way.

Design projects

Sometimes designers use CSS independently of HTML and JavaScript to create design prototypes for websites and applications, without the need to code the entire site in HTML and JavaScript. In these cases, CSS can be used to create complex visual styles, without the need to add interactivity or functionality.

App development projects

In certain situations, JavaScript can be used as a standalone programming language apart from HTML and CSS, to create complete web applications. In these cases, JavaScript can be used to create user interfaces, manage data, and add interactivity, without the need to use traditional HTML and CSS to create the design and structure of the site.


In short, just like in a house, the combination of these elements – basic structure (HTML), design (CSS), and functionality (JavaScript) – is essential to create a complete and satisfactory user experience on a website or web application.